Impact Stories.

Readers’ Letters to the Editor of Eternity about the various contents in Eternity Magazine from 2005 to 2020.

Symbol of International Artistic Cooperation

Thank you very much for Eternity – a spiritually enlightened international magazine’s special issue on peace. The cover is artistically beautiful. The materials on literature and philosophy are very interesting and enlightening for people in the 21st century.
During my visit in the Polish Olympic Centre in Warsaw I showed your Eternity as the symbol of International Artistic Cooperation amongst worldwide people on modern and future civilization. In September 2009 there will be authors’ poetry meeting & I will speak on our cooperation. Warm artistic and brotherhood regards through poetry.

Bogumil Wtorkiewicz
Kielce, Poland (Europe)


I have just received my copy of the issue of Eternity with my poem in it.
I greatly appreciate what an enormous undertaking you and the others you work with have taken and successfully completed it. I am fortunate to be a part of it.
I am just beginning to read what the others have written. I especially appreciate your article on Nirmal Da. I try to keep up on important world political developments, but I had never heard of him before. Knowing of him will help me with my efforts, here, far from the notice of my nation’s politicians, capitalists and journalists.

Eric Chaet
Wisconsin, USA.


I found the enlarged issue inspiring and interesting. I really enjoyed the poems. Please keep up the spiritual words. I wrote this poem to express my feelings on The Eternity magazine.


Swimming in Eternity,

serenity I find;

the enlarged horizon pushes

life’s troubles out of mind!

The inspiring ocean graces

the chirping of wondrous keys,

that open the gate of a sky

where wings touch Heaven’s


The canopy is unearthly –

sails seeking out truth afar…..

In that wide-eyed eternal sea

The Doctor is the star!

Indeed, Dahesh’s hand can


Earth’s seas into light springs;

his voice speaks to us from the


of the mystical Rings!

Rivers of holy water flow

from his abundant quill,

calling humanity to join

the seeds his hands instill!

His face beams out with Gandhi’s


with Shiv Muni’s Peace strings?

Inside his Prophetic Visions

pulsate Buddha’s mystic


Foaming, sparkling waves

on the shore

speak the Almighty’s mind

somewhere between sea

and sea, lights

whisper to humankind.

Lifting above the waves of life

spirit-sails beat with God’s art;

I look around and deeply breathe

You’re every beat of my heart!

Najwa Salam Brax,

New York (USA)


Dear Editor,
I did receive the issue of Eternity you refer to which, as always, was excellent.
Thank you for continuing to publish ‘Solar Steps’ and for wishing to favor me with a regular column, which is much appreciated. I am therefore sending you two articles with attendant poems – enough, perhaps for two issues. More will be forth coming.
It would also be a privilege to respond to your wish to conduct an interview and I look forward to your questions. I would appreciate it if these could focus on the aspects of my life as a writer, poet and spiritual enlightener, from which l am always ready to provide.
As one who has worked for many years as poet, publisher and spiritual teacher to foster the concept of a new soul-aware renaissance, I am most heartened to note your own good efforts, Though, as you are finding this can be a struggle somehow we manage to keep on and bring out that which we passionately feel to be helpful to our beloved humanity. May your own efforts be forever blessed!

With kindest wishes,
Pamela Constantine
Wide Awake Press
Essex, England (UK)


Yes, thank you. We received our copy of Eternity in time. We were surprised on the coverage you gave us and the excellent review. We are certainly pleased with that. Another book: ‘A Struggle for Working Class Justice’ having 400 pages is about my working life and activities in the union while working for the general electric company. It shows clearly the division between ordinary people and the employing class. Our thoughts are sending along some articles, or poems that might be useful for your magazine.

Vincent and Dianne Barnes Canada


Dear Editor,
Thank you for Eternity magazine which I received last week reflecting thoughts and sentiments from the world over. So many writers of narratives and poems, essays and exposes too many to enumerate, coming together as one under one canopy.
It is personally fulfilling for me that you published in glorious colour and the review of my book of poems and drawing, Sandalwood Thoughts, by fine and sensitive poet such as Ruth Schuler. Her letter and your response answered and raised questions. A quest for the unknown starts with a dot, a bindu, and the ever rotating circles around it continue for infinity.
Your tireless devotion is exemplary.

Suparna Ghosh


I just was overwhelmed to get acquainted with Sadguru Shivmuni’s philosophy, may be to some extent. His message and principles seem to me like the oasis in this desert of insensitive world of materialism. His teachings on Yoga and Meditation no doubt will show all of us a right path towards enlightenment. I have an avid desire to practice Yoga as advised by Him as I want to attain super consciousness in life. Also I take a vow to preach his message in USA and other parts of the world. I shall tell all my friends to practice the Yoga shown by the Muni Samaj founded by the revered Yogeswar Shiv Kumar Shastri. Indeed I am proud to be a part of Eternity’s mission.

Melissa R. Mendelson
New York, USA


Thank you for your gracious my gift of Eternity and for inviting material from me. I am much indebted to Ruth W. Schuler for mentioning me.
For many years I have been working to foster a spiritual/ artistic / cultural soul-aware renaissance, both as a spiritual teacher and through literature; and therefore warmly welcome your publishing endeavour. I much appreciated Ms. Schuler’s poetry and Goldie Morales’ excellent article.
In particular, I appreciated your editorial and your article, “Spiritual Awakening”. Indeed, I founded the Solar Lodge (also known as the lodge of world peace and brotherhood) to assist people at all stages of the awakening. It worked for 36 years to serve a constant stream of people of many nationalities who arrived as a result of their own inner guidance. These ranged from seekers and dedicated students of truth to spiritual leaders. Though the Lodge is now closed to visitors, this allows me to write fulltime and reach many more people.
And the Lodged papers offer steps on the journey from self to self and are the fruits of my own journey of Awakening. My way is the way of Love, enlightenment and self-realization. My writings are those of hope, knowing, compassion for all and love-in-service. My life-purpose is to help reinstate a sense of soul in society.
I am very busy right now preparing the manuscript of The Sunrise of Humanity, a full length handbook for advancing souls.
I wish an ever growing readership for Eternity. Let peace be the light of the nations as love is the light of the world.

Pamela Constantine,
Essex, England.


I have had a chance to take a brief look at the pages of Eternity. No doubt, the subject matter of the journal is clearly fascinating.

Richard Wallace
Editor, Daily Mirror


Thank you very much for the copy of Eternity. It is my best pleasure to watch my dream come true as I see the peace process growing more and more through Eternity.

Goro Ihara,


I was moved by your kindness in sending me a copy of Eternity. I have indeed been impressed by the spiritual enlightenment which is evident throughout Eternity. It is a wonderful magazine and you can be proud of your achievement as its editor. I am enclosing herewith a copy of my magazine Rubies In The Darkness.

Peter Geoffrey Paul Thampson
Poet, Publisher & Editor;
London, England.


Thanks for sending me the journal with great contents. It is nice that you put that photos of everybody, and that you like me to be in Eternity’s Advisory Board. Ruth Wildes Schuler is a very good poet and friend, and I thank her for her proposal to put me in this journal too.

Marina Zografou
Athens, Greece


Thank you so much for the absolutely beautiful issue of Eternity. It is far beyond one of the best print publication I’ve seen. It is an honor for me to be mentioned as one of your ambassadors, and I would like to offer some help in the way of online promotion for the magazine. I noticed you do not have a website or web presence. I have found that having a myspace page is very beneficial in getting the word out on writings. I would like to set up a myspace page for your publication in order to spread the word. And, I would like to do this for you free as a way of saying thank you.
Also I have referred to my friend Carmen Henessy who would love this publication as well. She has been to India many times, has friends there and loves the culture. I think she would like the chance to contribute to this wonderful publication.

Joanne Olivieri
San Francisco, USA


Thank you so much for this issue of Eternity! It is very beautiful and promises interesting reading. Now that I know what the magazine looks like it is easier to write about the Bahai faith as requested by you.
Anneke Buys
The Netherlands



Thank you very much for your beautiful magazine Eternity. Reading through the poems and articles was Indeed a refreshing experience to me. In the spiritual desert as the world is today, a person like you, I feel is like an oasis. And I consider it a privilege to be associated with a kind spirit like you.
My good whishes on all your noble endeavours.

Eileen Siriwardhana
Colombo, Sri Lanka


I have read this fascinating magazine and can now well understand why it is so difficult for you to meet precise deadlines regarding publication. Not only do you write, review, and edit yourself, but there is such a diversity (wonderful diversity!) that is really must be a very time consuming job. I hope it is your only job, otherwise that makes your task even greater. But well done! Magazines like this, in our desperately materialistic age, are more important than ever.
There is much in the magazine I enjoyed, but I must single out your piece on yoga gurus and gurus in general in Essence Of True India. I am a great admirer of the teachings of J. Krishnamurti and he was of the very same mind as yourself regarding this cheap peddling of guru worship and the turning of something sacred into something materialistic. It was a great article and spoke the truth. I also very much enjoyed your review of Poet Philosophers and much, much more. The poetry, I am pleased to write, seems to be of a very high standard and I am honoured to be one of your contributors.
Keep up the good work in this splendid spiritual magazine.

Desmond Brogan
Yorkshire, England


Received your magazine Eternity and I was extremely proud of the publication and elated that the voice of reason which encompasses spirituality, and poetry is finally present again in a magazine published in India, the root of spirituality. In a country far distant from years in South America, my grandparents and my father brought awareness to me in relation to the great poet Rabindra Nath Tagore who created immortal poetry. From a child he has been my inspiration.
You are doing a great service in up keeping Eternity.

Ms. Indra Sharma
Ontario (Elmvale),


An outstanding comment on Eternity January-March, 2021

Anyone who goes through the magazine more closely will be surprised what there is to discover in terms of spirituality, poetry and literary treasures. It is also not a matter of course that such a magazine can stay on the market for so many years, not least thanks to the clever mix of topics and literary expressions.
It is also remarkable how much it has found its way into America and Europe beyond India and Asia.
Something else is more than remarkable how many women, including young women, are represented in this magazine. In fact, it is the majority in numbers. What should actually be a matter of course, but even nowadays in literature, and not only there, is hardly realized, Eternity has achieved the equality of men and women in this edition brilliantly. So far so good a man’s statement. In this context, reference is also made to the article by Aaina Chopra: “To all the women with Dreams – Dream On!”
It is also noteworthy that Eternity is not only written out of the ivory tower of unworldly poets, but also addresses the issues of the time as the young software engineer Chitra Lele proves. An example is the article by Teresinka Preira, whom I hold dear, entitled “Ecology, Civilization and the End of an Era”.
Spirituality and coping with the problems of time complement each other, or in other words, maybe coping with personal and also world problems is not possible at all without spirituality. Or not just maybe, but certainly!
Of course, good poetry is not possible without a dash of spirituality, as it is said in the article about the work of poet and author Sushri Sangita Mishra: “A poet is ever imprisoned in meditation of poetry.
Neither poetry and literature nor spirituality can do without the truth, even if it will be a very personal truth. The truth of one need not necessarily be the truth of the other, but spirituality can at least approximate both. And who knows, maybe the right way is a third one?
When Teresinka Pereira describes what we have mostly unjustified fear of, we are probably most afraid of meeting ourselves. Here too, spirituality can help in the long term, because only those who have found themselves can find their way to others and can themselves open to others. Perhaps then “The wall” (Dr. Sangita Swechcha) will give in and one day you will be free or as Zhang Zhi says: … in the centre often he storm of time, I, a free poet…
The article “A Disease is not a Disease” by Harekrushna Mahanta is interesting in that it takes a very different view of the disease of the year, or diseases in general, than it may sometimes reveal itself to Europeans. There is a completely different philosophy and worldview to bear, and that is worth considering and interesting.
Of course, here in Vienna, too, there is the saying: Feared to death means also to die. Fear alone doesn’t overcome a contagious disease, but taking a little care, taking precautions and vaccinating will certainly do. Science can help. But of course a healthy inner attitude can make the body stronger in the defence against illness and keep it healthier. And of course a disease can also show the limits of science and man. Harekrushna Mahanta: It indeed needs spiritual knowledge to understand the mystery of upkeeping sound health within human body.
This also leads to his second article: Positive Thinking. Of course, there is nothing more important than that because it instinctively leads us on the right path. I know so many people who, especially in old age, think very negatively, talk more about what they don’t like than what they like. A change of attitude would be urgently needed. It would be necessary to create a different inner climate. Not just in politics, but in each of us.
The question: How to remain happy is very difficult to answer. This not only requires inner greatness, calm and self-reflection. Of course, the environment also has to be right: you shouldn’t have to go hungry, be seriously ill … and yet there are all too tragic moments in life that can shake you, destroy your inner peace, make you doubt, even despair. Often, after just a second, nothing is what it used to be. And I think that people have the right to be unhappy at this time! But you have to find your way out of this impasse somehow. But once again: Often after just a second nothing is what it used to be. And that for a lifetime!
Of course, it is not possible to take a closer look at all of the writers of the last edition in this brief outline.
However, not Regardless, they are all, really all worth reading. Everyone put the ideas, wishes, hopes and experiences on paper in the most original and literarily high-quality way.
Just keep it up!

Kurt F. Svatek,


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